
...awareness is a good thing.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

What Is That Smell?

Monday night we had a blast. Almost literally at that. For those that didn't make it over to Jimmy's house you missed one smokin' fire. Maybe that is why I smelt like smoke when I left. Just to recap the night. Yours truly almost got owned in the face by a bottle that someone through into the fire, you guessed it, Jimmy was the culprit. Just goes to show you what firemen really do with fire. Kind of reminds me of the movie Twister where "Bill" was relating a story of a guy walking up to a twister and chucking a bottle in it. Well anyway, since I'm still alive I had a blast. For all those that were there, I had a great time. For all those that weren't, I was thinking of you, NOT!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Year

Yay!!! I'm back. Yes its been a while since I had posted. It has been kinda busy this past month and a half. Well the low down on my life since December is of course doing auxiliary pioneering for December. It was great, I'll have to do it again. That isn't something just to do once :). Anyway, I unfortunately missed out on the camping trip. Stinking appointment on Monday tied me up. But I hear it was a blast and will have to catch the next one. Camping pics are on Jimmy's Site
Anyway school is going fine, been busy at that, finally getting to the classes that mean something. On a side note, if you haven't heard yet, be there at the picnic, or I'll send Angelina on you :). Well its been a fun last month, however; I need to remedy the issue I've been having with the lack of pictures of me. I guess I'll have to be like James and do the Colleran more. Peace out guys and I'll see you guys around and for movie night this Friday.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Weekend in Leesburg

As some may know, I was in Leesburg the same as Nick. It was good seeing my mother and friends that I haven't seen in a couple of months. However, there was a strange feeling that wasn't around almost a year ago. The last couple of visits home has made me realize something. Just as while I'm here there is a longing and a missing of my mother and my friends back in Leesburg. But now when I go home to Leesburg, I have the same longing and missings for each one of my friends here in Orlando. I guess I just wanted all of you guys to know that I thought about you guys this weekend and that you were missed and also that I love all of you guys/girls mucho.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The New Day

The sun rises to began the day
and sends the night on its way.
The rays come forth so bright
just like a heavenly light.

This is a start of a new day
which brings us into May.
The air is full of warmth
which fills us with mirth.

This is a start of a new day.
On the crisp grass we lay
and breathe in the fresh air.
Days like this are too rare.

This is the start of a new day.
A boat in the ocean sways
to and fro with the breeze
as it casts its way to sea.

This is the start of a new day.
Where does time start to stray?
The time rushes by too fast.
How can this forever last?

On the start of a new day.
It will start on Jehovah's day.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm Here!!!

At long last, I'm here. I know that it has taken me quite a while to get this here, but it is here! Anyway, feel free to inaugurate my blog with some comments. Also you'll notice some extras added to my blog enjoy them and click your refreash button to get a new suprise ;).